Will This Build Your Reputation Or Hurt It?
Does it help create good will with your customers? Yes / No
This is how you create happy customers. Create or promote great products that deliver on their promise and stay in touch with people who buy. Simple really.
You may be thinking “where do you find such products?”
The first place to look is at what you have purchased yourself. If you are happy with a product, and if promoting it makes sense for you, contact them to see if they have a referral program (also known as an affiliate program) you can join.
Then ask yourself this - will this product create massive goodwill and earn you a trusting relationship with your buyers?
If you can answer yes, move ahead.
Is the power of a big name / big brand behind you? Yes / No
This makes sales easier because it lends an automatic sense of authority and trustworthiness to the product and by proxy, to you.
In addition, more well-know business people will often provide high value giveaways (lead magnets) and a proven sales path that many startup products don’t offer.
Does it set up your next Joint Venture? Yes / No
This applies even if you have never done a JV before.
Joint Ventures can be a wonderful experience when you have the right partner.
The best way to make these professional connections is to become a proven performer. The only way to do that is to successfully promote quality products so the industry starts to associate your name with authority.
You can even get the attention of someone you'd like to team up with someday by promoting their product - and promoting it well.